Menunggu dalam Penantian Entah Karir atau pun Percintaan | Random yang sangat random...

by - Desember 17, 2022

Ciattt... I want to talk about something I found every day in my life. This sucks, but we never know it. Sometimes we have a reason to recover our thoughts but never end they come suddenly like a bomb!

By the way, here I want to share a little bit about my life expectancy. Who knows the point to stop?

Have you thought, what is the vision of our life? Okay, I have any plans, nothing may happen this year. Especially in 2022, too many of my plans under my control are failing and failing. So, mmm like a nano-nano candy. 

My strength to solve the problem in my random time are writing, eating, and sleeping until like a cycle. Day by day I wait for a notification from my email. Day by day I received just the fake account with shit vacancies and know, how much I block many numbers? :P

My dream since a long time ago and unchanged in my mind is to be a writer. Why? Because I know my strength, but sometimes the dream is up and down, and how can it happen, actually?

Love writing but feel writing block at the same time. I want to learn all things and if I could all the things in the world I want to learn until I die xD...

May we expect he is a good man or she is a good girl? We just look at her/him on the cover.

Explain to me how we could get money in one night. 

Yes, we can't lie, for example, you need money... What do you want to pay for when you want to buy food? mango leaves? Yes, it's not possible. Next, I have ugly shoes and need a new one. So, what do you want to do? Yes, looking for a job! Fill up your piggy with a lot of money. In our age, all sides of life must be clear. Even to become a wife one day, you have to think about what kind of wife you want to be, how you want to give the best service to your husband later, how to manage and control your emotions as well as how to control your insecurities physically, is it over or are you still complaining a lot without trying to do more? right?

Simpel sebetulnya namun ruwet menjadi-jadi kalau dipikirkan terlalu luas. Ujung-ujungnya takut dan gak jadi :(...

Ah, hidup memang sebegitu penuh kejutan ya. Kayak hujan, mesti ada tebakan. Kadang hujan, kadang panas bahkan berangin sampai badai besar.

Yah, kembali lagi ke cinta-cintaan itu ibarat angin sejuk di musim kemarau. Ketika suntuk ia datang penuh keteduhan, meski kita tahu pasangan kita juga punya kehidupannya sendiri. Intinya, kebahagiaanmu bukan terletak pada diri pasanganmu tapi dari dirimu sendiri. Penuhi rasa syukur dan terus ingat kalau dunia itu sementara. Walaupun begitu, bukan berarti kamu sia-siakan kehidupanmu nanti sama pasanganmu ya. Tetaplah bersyukur dan saling pengertian. Jaga komunikasi dan buatlah harimu bahagia. Sedih gapapa, tapi jangan kelamaan ya^^

Make boundaries to you both! 

Hello my dear, if you read this post please be kind to us. You are kind and I know it. Lets be a good stories with good memories to our future... 

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